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Welcome to Energy Healing Works

by michelle

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Hello. My name is Michelle Tommasi, and I am an artist, dancer, mom, sister, daughter, friend, neighbor and certified energy healing practitioner located in New Paltz, NY.

In 2003, after working in the NYC corporate world for 15 years, feeling burnt out and listening to the calling of my heart, I moved up to the Hudson Valley. That is when my healing journey began and has given me the opportunity to meet many teachers along the way. Since 2010 I've been practicing energy healing touch therapy and have helped moms, executives, artists, men, teachers, therapists, even animals, find a deeper path to healing and relief. Energy Healing is for EVERYONE! I am a certified and insured One Light Healing Touch practitioner and intuitive healer with additional training in reflexology, Ancient Art of Awareness and spiritual guidance. For the past four years, I've volunteered my services at Breast Cancer Options annual retreat for woman with metastatic breast cancer held at Omega Institute for Holistic Studies. It is my gift and pure joy to share it with you to help guide you on your spiritual. emotional and physical wellness journey.

The word "healer" is an interesting word. It implies that something separate and outside of you will "heal" you. Or that the healing practitioner has some magical ability to take away "what you do not want". The truth is that Healing is a collaboration between you, me and spirit. (Call it god, call it universal energy, call it love, call it physics!) Call it what you like, but I am a person like you, and through my own journey of healing, I have found Energy Healing to be profound in its ability to release and clarify what is needed for the mind, body and soul to truly heal. The benefits will leave you feeling more like "YOU" and a better sense of feeling freer, whole and at peace. With finding this site you have started on your path---welcome and good work!

This is not woo woo stuff--I invite you to do research, google it and learn more about this ancient path to wellness that is now being used in over 60 hospitals across the US. It is my belief that we are all healers and beacons of light, and that sometimes we need help to find our way "home", so that we may shine brighter into the future and ignite the light in others. It is the only way out of the darkness, because out of the darkness can only come light. Whether it is a current issue that you are facing and want help over the hump or more complex issues requiring a deeper exploration, Energy Healing will help. Often unresolved issues will plant themselves in the energy body and will manifest into anxiety/depression, physical ailments, addictions and general malaise. Energy Healing Works is able to balance these energies and "unblock" them to enable proper and optimized flow. I hope that you will take the time to read through other informative posts and client testimonials on this site, they are there for you to learn more about my work and, hopefully, to answer any questions. Please contact me if you feel "called", do not let money be a deterrent, sliding scale is available, especially for single parents, artists, caregivers, students and people in recovery. Call to make special arrangements for sliding scale or to purchase a gift certificate. I am here to share this work and help heal.

Interested in trying an Energy Healing Works session ? Please call me at 845-750-6917 (voice calls only) to discuss, messages returned with-in 24 hours or email I'm always happy to answer any questions.

Ready to Book? Go straight to Online Booking and Services here

Note: Energy healing is a complimentary modality that shouldn't exclude any Western medicine or treatment you may be receiving.

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